baby foot

Feet.  Summer is here, and we want to look presentable in our sandals.  Even with pedicures, mine still sometimes look rough.  I live in a city where I walk a few miles a day, so while I am thankful for them, they could be softer!

Bring in Baby Foot.  A $20 product that actually makes a noticeable difference.  Your feet won't be absolutely perfect, but they will be significantly better than before.  Does it hurt?  Nope!  It's simply plastic booties with a gel inside that you wear for 1.5 hours while binge watching Grace & Frankie.

How to:  Order from Amazon.  Plan the right time.  You need 2 weeks without an elegant event as your feet will be peeling all over.  Not allowed if you're nursing or pregnant.  Follow the directions on the box, but add a few things.  First, you must soak your feet before the treatment.  I have heard of friends trying this treatment without the soak, and it didn't work.  I don't understand why, but just do it.  I soaked for 30 minutes.  Next, leave the treatment on a little longer than the box suggests--another 20-30 minutes.  No lotion.  Your feet will peel, and it will be tempting, but let them peel.  Finally, you must soak your feet every day for the next 2 weeks.  Voilá!  Feet ready for summer sandals.

jo malone: new neighbor

Jo Malone just opened up in our neighborhood.  This product is sold in department stores, but not usually it's own store.

Walking home from brunch, I passed by & decided to go in to check it out.  I was greeted by a friendly face who offered me a complimentary 10 minute arm & hand massage.  Yes, please!  We talked through my fragrance preferences (rose, jasmine, gardenia, orange blossom), and with her guidance, we chose a few to combine for my massage.  I walked out of there with soft skin & a fresh new scent.

She suggests making your own unique fragrance by making a combination.....all of their "flavors" compliment each other.  Below are the ones I am drawn to.  It was a fun experience, and I will buy one to take on the honeymoon!  

Gift idea: gift card for a friend who can go to the store to make her own custom fragrance combination.  The candles are lovely too!

Stop by their store for the experience.  You can't really choose perfume from online shopping.  Which scents are your favorite?

Q2: things to do

2 things you should do at the start of a new quarter....change your Clarisonc brush & your mascara.

These items should be replaced every 3 months.  With our busy lives, it's tough to remember what you had for breakfast yesterday, let alone when you last changed your Clarisonic brush!  I use the start of the quarter to remind myself.

powder sunscreen

Sunscreen.  We need it.  Every day.  

Sunscreen does not last all day.....we are supposed to reapply every few hours.  But who actually reapplies on a Tuesday at work?  I remember when I'm at the beach....but during normal life, I put it on in the morning under my makeup, and move on with my day.  So by 2pm I probably have nothing left.

The solution?  Powder sunscreen you can reapply during the day.

Colorescience Loose Mineral Sunscreen Brush SPF 30 is a powder that provides SPF 30 sun protection.   Small enough to stick in your purse, easy enough to reapply during lunch.

30 minute workout

30 minute workout-is that long enough to actually do anything?  Yes.

Kayla Istines' Bikini Body Guides do the trick.  You will probably notice girls at your gym doing this workout.  I was skeptical of a program that involved walking or 30 minute workouts would achieve actually did.  I used this for 12 weeks before my wedding.  I didn't lose weight, but I was more toned.  I learned that an "easier" program of only 30 minutes a day works for me because I actually stick to it.  Sure, I could sign up for something harder & more intense ...... but I was consistent about this one.  It is practical if you have a job, kids, etc. and your life doesn't revolve around the gym.  $70 for 12 weeks was worth it for me! or follow her on instagram to see before & after photos.


eyelash curler

Do you need to do this extra step before mascara?  Probably.  I was blessed with long eyelashes, and I use one every day.  I believe in playing to your strengths!