the reason for the season

December is such a fun month.  Parties, decorating, shopping, Christmas carols, the Nutcracker, etc.

It is very easy to get wrapped up in the presents & running around and lose sight of what it's all about.  Thank you, Sharon, for reminding me of this.

So today, no photos about gift ideas or holiday dishes.  Today I am making space to pause & reflect.  I challenge you to take 10 minutes to do one of the following activities:

  1. 10 minute meditation (Headspace is a great app).
  2. Gratitude list - write it down.  Set a timer or try to fill up an entire page.
  3. Write a letter - someone who means something to you.  Let them know.
  4. Call your Mom.
  5. Find a place to volunteer & schedule it in the next 4 weeks.
  6. Plan a trip to visit someone special.

The holidays are really about love and being loved.  So, take today to do just that!

happy thanksgiving

Remember the whole point of today....being thankful.  It's easy to get distracted.....but just slow down and be thankful.  

You could write out a list of 50 things, make a list in your head of your top 3, or call a friend you are thankful for.  Your list can include things like laughter, lessons learned, opportunity for growth, new friends, old friends, things that change, things that stay the same.  We all have a lot to be thankful for.  Happy Thanksgiving!

taking requests

Taking requests!  What topics do you want to hear more about?  Weddings & parties?  Decorating your home?  Jewelry & accessories?  Travel?

Or do you have more specific questions like which shoes should I wear with this dress?  What color should I paint these walls?  What should I buy my best friend for her birthday?  Will marsala bridesmaids dresses work with this venue?

My sweet friend Brooke asked me a question about hats the other day which inspired me to write a blog post.  So, pretend you are sitting next to me at this park, drinking a glass of champagne.  What would you ask?  What would you be excited to read about in the sun?

Comment on the blog, instagram, or facebook, or email to with questions or topics.  Thanks!

q4 things to do

Welcome to the last quarter of 2016!  Here is your list of things to do in October:

  1. change Clarisonic brush
  2. replace mascara
  3. begin Xmas ideas list

Xmas?  Already?  Yes.  If you start a handy list now, just add ideas as you think of them over the next few weeks.  Pay attention.  That way, when you start your shopping in November or December, you won't be totally starting from scratch.

Happy October & Happy Fall!

shopping advice

This will help your wallet, your already overcrowded closet, as well as your overstimulated brain when choosing your outfit in the morning.  An example of this tomorrow.

the best accessory

I love clothes.  I love planning outfits.  I love shopping.  I love helping people choose shoes & accessories.  However, this quote is so true.  Your outlook & attitude are the most important part of your outfit.  For those "Annie" lovers out there (like me!), sorry that this song will now be in your head all day.  It's a good one though!  You can have on a million dollar outfit, but if you are rude or negative or snooty, it is a total waste.  You're never fully dressed without a smile!