the reason for the season

December is such a fun month.  Parties, decorating, shopping, Christmas carols, the Nutcracker, etc.

It is very easy to get wrapped up in the presents & running around and lose sight of what it's all about.  Thank you, Sharon, for reminding me of this.

So today, no photos about gift ideas or holiday dishes.  Today I am making space to pause & reflect.  I challenge you to take 10 minutes to do one of the following activities:

  1. 10 minute meditation (Headspace is a great app).
  2. Gratitude list - write it down.  Set a timer or try to fill up an entire page.
  3. Write a letter - someone who means something to you.  Let them know.
  4. Call your Mom.
  5. Find a place to volunteer & schedule it in the next 4 weeks.
  6. Plan a trip to visit someone special.

The holidays are really about love and being loved.  So, take today to do just that!