birthday quote

Is your birthday around the corner?  Are you stressed about wrinkles?  Did you just notice a grey hair?  Debating Botox?  Frustrated that your thighs don't look like they used to?  This is a great perspective.  Remember it & be grateful!

quote: do less

As I was thinking about my New Year's Resolution last week, this quote came in handy.  We don't have to do it all.  In fact, we shouldn't.  The price we pay for trying to do it all is either stress & anxiety or doing too many things halfway.

My friend Sharon recommended a book called Essentialism which speaks of trade offs.  Anytime you say "yes" to something, you are saying "no" to something else.  It is a hard habit to break, but I am working on making less commitments & scheduling space for down time.  How nice is it to wake up on a Saturday & be totally spontaneous or do nothing.  I am also a fan of outsourcing.  

The next time people are coming over for dinner & you've had a crazy day at work (or even if you didn't!), order take out, and feel proud of yourself for not trying to do it all.


Q3: 4 things to do

Happy July 1st!  As they say at work, welcome to Q3.  We are halfway through 2016!  Below is my list of things to do today:

  1. Change Clarisonic brush
  2. Change electronic toothbrush head
  3. Change mascara
  4. Quiet time to think about the halfway mark

Let me elaborate a bit on #4.  I plan to take 15-30 minutes to pause & think about the list below.  I will use my calendar & Facebook to help me remember.

  • Highlights of 2016 so far (will make a list of happy moments, funny times, accomplishments, things I am thankful for).
  • What have I learned so far in 2016?  How have I grown?
  • How am I doing on my new years resolution?
  • What do I want to focus on for the second half of 2016?

If someone has made a positive impact on these last 6 months of your life, this is a great time to let them know.

Enjoy the long weekend!

dance it out

Why do we enjoy dancing so much?  Is it an evolutionary advantage?  Is it in our blood from our tribal ancestors who danced around the fire?

A new study confirms advantages of dancing beyond just cardiovascular exercise.  Not just any kind of dancing though......choreographed dancing!

The researchers first measured everyone's pain tolerance.  Next, they put people into 2 groups.  In Group A, each individual learned the same dance moves.  For Group B, they taught each person different dance moves.  They placed the groups in a room together with headphones.  Group A heard the same music, and started doing the dance together, and having a ball.  Group B heard different music in their headphones and were doing their own individual dances.

After the dance party, the researchers measured people's pain tolerance.  Those from Group A (synchronized dancers) had a significantly higher threshold, meaning you could give them more pain, and they wouldn't be bothered.  Group B (individual dancers) either felt the same amount of pain as the beginning or more pain.  

So, those who danced together as a group doing the same moves to the same music got better.  Why?  We aren't exactly sure, but probably because being part of a group has an evolutionary advantage.  Dancing together makes you feel part of a team, which helps with survival in this crazy world.

No wonder I feel so happy after a hip hop class at the gym!

happy spring!

Is there anything happier than Spring?  Sunshine, flowers, birds, fresh starts, & new beginnings.  Winter helps us appreciate Spring even more.  

Thankful for longer days and the quote from Robin Williams above.  Let's embrace Spring!

just a little patience

I am working on this!  This quote for the little things like being in a long line at the grocery as well as the big things like when am I going to be engaged?  It always makes sense in the end, so have faith!  Key words: calm acceptance.

if you can't say something nice....

A few years ago I gave up gossip for Lent.  I am a pretty positive person, and I was surprised how many times I had to stop myself.

My sister has a great rule.  Anytime she hears something positive about someone else, she will email that person sharing the words of encouragement.  It takes 30 seconds and really makes someone's day.  Whether it's related to someone's character, hard work, kindness, or something as light as their fabulous hair.....pass along the compliment!

happy valentine's day

Most languages have many words for love.  Love for your soulmate, love for your mom, love for your best friend, love for your dog, love for chocolate........celebrate all those you love today & be grateful for them!

zen goals

My 2016 resolution is to learn how to slow down.  My good friend Michelle sent me this "Zen Things" list the other day.  I am really working on items 1-5, but they are all great reminders.

  1. Do one thing at a time
  2. Do it slowly and deliberately
  3. Do it completely
  4. Do less
  5. Put space between things
  6. Develop rituals
  7. Designate time for certain things
  8. Devote time to sitting
  9. Smile and serve others
  10. Make cleaning and cooking become meditation
  11. Think about what is necessary
  12. Live simply


new year's resolutions: go deep

It is refreshing to hear resolutions that are beyond the "lose 3 lbs" or "go to the gym 4 days a week."


A few I have heard that are inspiring:

  • Hold everything lightly.  Enjoy every minute because it will all change so fast; may as well enjoy where you are.
  • The year of saying "no."
  • Speak it into existence.

My goal for 2016 is to slow down.  I am working on being present in the present, not being over scheduled, & planning time for breaks.


What's yours?

2015 inventory

My acupuncturist recently challenged me to conduct a 2015 inventory.  This means taking some quiet time alone to think about what happened.  Go month by month, season by season; use your calendar or Facebook to help you remember.

What was memorable?
What went well?
What was difficult?
What did you learn?
Who impacted your life in a positive way?
Where did you go?
Who came into your life?

A lot can change in a year!