wedding shoes tip

My sweet friend Martha shared some wise advice regarding wedding shoes.  Every year on her anniversary, she wears her wedding shoes.  Adorable!  And helps you feel better about a splurge.  So, I am following in her footsteps and am doing the same.

Some photos of me, my husband, and my wedding shoes at our anniversary celebration at the winery where we were married.  Wear your wedding shoes on your anniversary!  

new hat & sunglasses

My sweet husband bought me 2 new things as an early anniversary gift!   We were in Healdsburg for the weekend, and of course I came across a few items I liked (see photo above of me in the dressing room).  I decided I didn't "need" them, but he said let's do it & call it an anniversary gift.  So, I am now the proud owner of a new hat & sunglasses.  Both of which I wear all the time, evidenced by the photo below.  What do you think?  Sweet husband + great gifts=good combo!  

These were purchased at Looking Glass in Healdsburg, or other options to buy online below.