burning man: what to wear

It's August!  Which means it's Burning Man month.  If you are lucky enough to go this year and are stumped on what to wear, some suggestions below.  Please read about all the other things to pack like water, extra car key, gifts, gas, etc, etc etc.......this is just for fashion!  Disclaimer: I am certainly not the most "out there" with my Burning Man fashion.  I was more normal/conservative/middle of the road.  If you want to be more wild--go for it!  

First, do not even bother throwing in "normal" clothes like jeans & a t-shirt.  You will not wear them.  Do not wear jeans & a t-shirt for your arrival as you will feel very out of place.  I made this mistake and was quickly changing in the car before we officially pulled in.  Second, this is not a normal festival like Coachella.  Although some of those looks can work, this is a much more creative, artistic community.  The experience is different from a concert.

Different things will work for different people, but here's what worked for me.  I mostly wore some sort of bra/sports bra with a flowy skirt or tutu, boy shorts underneath, boots, and then added in accessories.  You want the skirt to be short enough that it won't get tangled on your bike and flowy enough that you can easily bike and run around.  The boyshorts underneath really help as you may be on a trampoline or a ladder.

Shoes:  I never worse tennis shoes or sandals.  You need to protect your feet from the dirt and dust.  You need boots.  You will be walking and on your feet, so make sure your boots are comfortable.  I would not bring your absolute favorite $500 boots, as they may be ruined forever.  Only bring things to The Playa that you are willing to part with.  You may end up giving them to someone, trading with someone, or they could be so ruined that you cannot use them when you get home.

You absolutely need goggles and a face mask for the dirt.  I ended up with a painter's dust mask from Home Depot because it fit my face best.  Try on options before you leave.  You also need a warm coat for nighttime as it will be freezing.  Most people wear furry coats.

Add in some wigs, hats, fur vest, & glow paint to accessorize.  Sunglasses are a must.  Also, buy some makeup different from your normal look.  I wore dark purple lipstick one day.  You will actually use a watch, as all the activities are scheduled.  Do not bring a nice watch.  Feathers & sequins are actually now not recommended because little pieces can fall off & cause trash/hurt the environment.

You also need a way to light up at night.  You do not want to get hit by a bike or a car.  Order a bunch of glow stick bracelets or necklaces to wear, and give some away.

Where to shop?  If you live in SF, Haight Street will have most of this.  I was fortunate to borrow coats from long time Burners.

Most importantly, bring a smile and a positive attitude!


flowy skirt:



